

Energy Audit

We perform Energy Audit before the start of any project in order to obtain greater efficiency and energy savings. Thanks to this assessment, we can define in advance, whether any intervention is feasible and convenient, both from a technical and from an economic point of view.

The intervention phases planned by LMS ENERGIA are:

  • Collection of preliminary information in order to carry out an initial energy analysis (energy consumption and needs, type of production processes, etc.);
  • Inspection for internal energy analysis of existing processes (energy use and management);
  • Processing of gathered data and final report preparation. In a second phase, areas of plausible technical intervention are identified.

LMS Energia offers an Energy Diagnosis processing service for the fulfillment of obligations pursuant to Article 8 of Legislative Decree N. 102/2014.

Among the technological solutions offered by LMS Energia:

  • Cogeneration / Trigeneration
  • LED lighting systems
  • Heat pumps
  • Solar thermal energy
  • Solar photovoltaic energy
  • Biomass
  • Efficient inverters and motors
  • Heat recovery
  • Compressed air technologies
  • Application of ORC cycles
  • Solutions related to the exploitation of geothermal energy at low, medium and high enthalpy


What else we can do for you

Energy Efficiency

Energy Consulting



RES Systems


Due Diligence

Environmental Consulting

Research & Development